Editing Rules

For books:

Authors who wish to publish at the National University of Music Bucharest Publishing House are required to comply with the following editing rules:

  • Chapters are to be written in Word format and saved as .doc or .docx;
  • Authors will submit the text both in .doc or .docx and Pdf format;
  • Page layout: A4, with 3 cm up and down margins, 2.5 cm right and left margins;
  • The font used will be Times New Roman. If the text contains special characters that are not supported by Times New Roman, the author will provide the special font that must be compatible with the operating systems used by the publishing house;
  • The font size will be 12 for the main text and 10 for the footnotes, block quotation and glossary;
  • Line spacing: 1.5 cm;
  • Paragraphs are to be written without extra spaces, distributed evenly between margins (using the Justify function) and must have a first-line indent of 1 cm;
  • Romanian and other modern languages diacritics as well as other special characters or symbols must be used throughout the entire text (e.g. Ştefan Niculescu, Bartók, Martinů);
  • The punctuation rules generally recognized at the moment must be used: no free spaces between “? ! ; :” and the previous word; quotation marks are “ ”, guillemets (angle quotes) are « »; the hyphen “-“ and the dash “—” must be used distinctively and correct;
  • To emphasize certain words or ideas there are not to be used CAPITALS, bold, underline or italic bold. Only italic is accepted;
  • Titles rules: chapters’ titles – bold and centered, subchapters’ titles – Small caps, aligned left, sub-subchapter (a section which is part of a subchapter) – italic, aligned left;
  • The music examples are to be edited with Finale, Sibelius, Muse Score, and saved in jpg. or tif. or pdf. at high resolution. The music examples, graphics and images are to be provided in separate folders.
  • Each chart, graphic, music example must have a legend in italic, spaced at one row from the image and written with a 10 font size;
  • The footnote number is to be placed before the punctuation mark (Ex: … composed by Bach21.)
  • The following system must be used for quotation and footnotes:

For books: Name Surname, Title, Publisher, City, year, page number/s.

Ex: Steven Feld, Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression, second edition, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1990, p. 17.

For translations:

Ex: Jean de Léry, History of a Voyage to the Land of Brazil, Otherwise Called America, trans. by Janet Whatley, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1999, pp. 18-25.

For a chapter from a collective work: Name Surname, “Title”, in Book title, ed. by [editor’s name], Publishing house, City, year, page number/s;

Ex: Margaret J. Kartomi, “Indonesian-Chinese Oppression and the Musical Outcomes in the Netherlands East Indies”, in Music and the Racial Imagination, ed. by Ronald Radano and Philip V. Bohlman, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2000, pp. 274-275.

For an article in a newspaper or magazine: Name Surname, “Title”, Magazine name, magazine number (year), page number/s;

Ex: Margaret J. Kartomi, „Music and Trance in Central Java”, Ethnomusicology 2, 17 (1973), p. 191

For internet sources: Name Surname, “Title”, website address, accessed on [date]

Ex: Raluca, „Despre Theodor Meleșcanu, ministrul român de Externe”, https://lacoltulstrazii.ro/2017/02/07/despre-teodor-melescanu-ministrul-roman-de-externe/, accessed on Feb. 24th 2017.

Repeated references:

If you quote the same author and/or work several times, use a short but relevant form of the title, for example:

Ex: Feld, Sound and Sentiment, p. 17 – for books;

Kartomi, “Music and Trance”, pp. 190-192.

If an author is quoted for only one paper, use only the surname of the author and the page you are referring to, for example:

Ex: Kartomi, pp. 190-192.

Do not use idem, ibid. etc.

The final Bibliography must contain all the titles (with complete data) referred to in the footnotes. The bibliography has to be organized in alphabetic order of the authors (or of the first author when you have collective work) (

Kartomi, Margaret J., „Music and Trance in Central Java”, Ethnomusicology 2, 17 (1973), pp. 163-208.

Moisescu, Titus, Prolegomene bizantine, Editura Muzicală, București, 1985.

Moisescu, Titus (ed.), Şcoala muzicală de la Putna. Manuscrisul nr. 12/Leipzig „Antologhion”, Editura Muzicală, București, 1985.

Panaite, Viorel, „Ţara Românească și Moldova între «Casa Războiului» şi «Casa Islamului» (secolele XV-XVII)”, 22 plus (supliment al revistei 22), 89, 10 (1999), p. v.

Sava, Iosif, Luminița Vartolomei, Dicționar de muzică, Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, București, 1979.

Stokes, Martin (ed.), Ethnicity, Identity and Music. The Musical Construction of Place, Berg, Oxford, 1997.

For scores: 

  • You will not write the title, the name of the composer or any other information at the beginning of the work (on the first page), these will be added during the desktop publishing step;
  • You will not write the page numbers, these will be added during the desktop publishing step;
  • For the text type information inside the score, use the Cambria font, size 12.
  • If the score does not have a special form that requests otherwise, please keep the measure numbers at the beginning of each system;
  • Set all margins of the page at size 1.5 cm (0.59 in). Final Margins will be set during the desktop publishing step considering the options for the printing (size of the score, interior binding choices etc.)

If the score is part of a collection comprising works of different composers, changes to the norms presented above may occur for the cohesiveness of the collection.